Lex Magica

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Lex Magica
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The Lex Magica is the principal system of Law governing all Awakened; designed to prevent Magi from using their gifts without Wisdom or restraint. It is a labyrinth of tradition and built on precepts and precedents that can be traced back to Atlantis itself. It works in tandem with a Consilium Charter that allows the Consilium to operate.

  • The Lex Magica is championed by the Silver Ladder who takes point in training and vetting new Factotum.
  • The Consilium of Sacramento recognizes the Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Iron laws in principal and of practice.

Researching the Lex Magica:

Because of the age and apparent venerability of the Consilium of Sacramento, the Lex Magica is incredibly dense and lengthy. What we have written is some of the most obvious precedents for the Consilium’s own body of Law. However, it is not at all extensive. To rectify that, should you be looking into the Lex Magica, follow the following set of rules for your research.

  • Capping Skill: Politics
  • Action: Various - Depending on the Obscurity of the Precedent being researched. The simplest things could end up being just the Library Merit available to the character. Or, in terms of the really obscure could be as high as Library Merit + 3 or more.
  • Research Time: Various - Base Time of 30 Minutes per roll. Obscure items may necessitate longer research times. Ask the Head Mage ST for details.
  • Appropriate Libraries: Lex Magica, Consililum Politics
  • Possible Modifiers: None
  • Roll Results: Every five successes gains one piece of information.

Gold Laws

These are are the shining Laws that survived to us from Atlantis. All Awakened are subject to these laws and no council may change them; unless by Harmony, or should there be no evidence of Artifact:

Recognized by Supremacy

Great Rights

The main bulk of any cabal Protocols are the Directed Protocols. In Atlantean tradition, these consist of the Great Rights, Lesser Analogues, Interdicts and Addendums. The Directed Protocols cover a series of pacts that mages agree to for the good of the cabal. The Great Rights emerged when Mysterium scholars noticed a common thread weaving through their Protocols. Some scholars argue that this thread came from Atlantis; others believe it was inspired by the Supernal World. A few rant that the Great Rights were created by the Exarchs to enforce their own warped vision.

Typically, a cabal is allowed to govern and adjudicate their Great Rights as they see fit in their territory. However, it is recommended that if this involves another Recognized Cabal that the dispute is mediated by a Herald and brought to the attention of the Council.

Right of Crossing

Let no borders stop an Awakened with a clear heart. Provided a mage has no ill will toward a cabal, let them cross territory peacefully. This is also called the Traveler's Right. This Right allows for mages to traverse a cabal's territory peacefully. This means that the traveler does not attack, manipulate, or subvert the resources within the recorded territory. The travelling mage must not use offensive magic while crossing through, and the amount of time spent in the territory should be short; a day at the most. Any longer amount of time and the visiting mage should request Hospitality.

If a cabal has marked Safe Passages, the Crossing Mage should respect their markings and stay to the route.

Right of Emeritus

Those who have earned respect must be treated with respect. Traditionally, this refers to the practice of respecting one's elders. In practice, it's been broadened today to mean that those who have earned respect, must be respected. Respect is measured through word and deed. And that person's area of expertise should have a direct or substantial benefit to the cabal. Maybe they have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering or maybe they have a Black Belt in three different martial arts; in both cases, they should be given respect and deference within their area of expertise.

Additionally, although not as widely practiced, is the giving of respect to those who have gained a certain position or title such as Councilor or Herald.

Right of Hospitality

Those who request hospitality must be granted it. Quite simply put, when a mage invokes Hospitality of a Cabal, the cabal must provide for food, lodging, and security for the mage. This is so they may rest and recuperate. Travelling is much less dangerous these days, but it can still be useful when you don't know where the local threats reside to utilize this right.

Right of Nemesis

When vengeance is declared, let none stand in its way. Nemesis covers overt violence between mages. In other words, when a conflict is approved under the Precept of War, don't get in the middle of the feud. When it is invoked, then the cabal needs to be preparing for it as it stays in effect until the conflict is resolved. Additionally, no mage should interfere with the feud unless it becomes a direct threat to them. This is not a right that should be invoked lightly or with hubris.

Right of Sanctuary

Protect your home, and let no action cause it harm. Cabal members, and those under their care, must do nothing to compromise the safety of the sanctum. Do no harm to the sanctuary. Do no harm to its resources. If it's a tiff between two cabal members as a result of independent actions, it can be resolved under the Right to Duel Arcane. If it is an action that is the result of external influence, a breach of this right may have occurred. It's up to the cabal to decide how to deal with the individual who has impinged on the right, whether another member or not.

Recognized by Artifact

The Rights - including the Murder of a convicted Wise- due to the position of Interfector within the Visus Draconis is recognized by Artifact. The Guardian Interfector, will be masked during the entire duration carrying out their duties, their identity will remain secret. These duties will only be carried out by the will of the Council.

Recognized by Harmony

Precept of Secrecy

The existence of magic must be kept secret from those who do not practice it. Our knowledge is our greatest treasure, and it is a trust placed within each Mage by the Oracles themselves. Betraying that trust by creating the impossible before the Sleeping Innocent, or sharing our knowledge with The Others between the Cracks: is one of the greatest betrayals of trust an Awakened may perpetrate.

Illumination: It’s no secret amongst us that we have the power of creation at our fingertips. If we can dream something, chances are that we can actually make it possible. The problem is that some of these dreams that we can create are expensive. I’m not talking about the costs involved with casting the spell, but the dangers doing it crosses. Some of those bridges go places they shouldn’t, and it’s in these moments of weakness that the mage cannot keep his proverbial pants on that he does something in front of those that shouldn’t see it. Whether they’re the sleeping and innocent, or in front of something else that shouldn’t know. Let it be known that this is a dark path that will only cause suffering for those that witness it and for the cause of that Vulgarity.
We have a responsibility to use our Enlightenment in such a way that is responsible. It’s our greatest power and our greatest weapon. It’s what we have to keep the forces of evil at bay. It’s what we use to keep the tsunami that is the Lie from crashing down on us. It’s what we have to keep the Mad and outside evils at bay. But it’s dangerous to use even in this way. It’s a torrent of power and if we are not vigilant, it will place us all in danger. Betraying this power is betraying part of who you are. It threatens the very part of you that is special and Enlightened. Mobs of angry villagers are not just stories. These days they come with SWAT teams, or darkness in the night. So sure, their words may be sweet as ambrosia one night, but the next, they can be the agents of our destruction.
Let’s put it this way. You want to break our trust and violate our secrecy and safety, you’re the scum of the earth. If you can’t manage to get it through your thick skull at that point, get out of our city. -- Nous
  • Casting Vulgar Magic before Sleepers: Major Reprimand
  • Casting Vulgar Magic before Witnesses: Minor Penance
  • Casting Vulgar Magic before Witnesses who tell others: Major Penance
  • Speaking of the Mysteries before Sleepers: Incarceration
  • Betraying Arcane knowledge to other Supernatural Societies (i.e. Vampires, Werewolves): Banishment

Precept of Recognition

Recognition. It is the very basis of how the Lex Magica operates. Without it, no mage may be recognized as a Member, no Crime may be recognized as such. Without it, the Lex Magica does not grow.

Illumination: It's pretty simple. Without Recognition, there is no law; there is no Consilium. The Precept of Recognition is what names the Jurisdiction of the Consilium. It names what we recognize as crimes and who we recognize as criminals. Recognition names the precedents which help us fairly and wisely judge these crimes and these criminals, and which help us adapt our laws when the need arises.
Those people and things which are recognized by the Consilium are those which are protected, and bound, by the Consilium's laws. Anything that is not recognized by the Consilium does not fall under its protection, or under its judgement, and this means that there is no guarantee of safety and no rights for the unrecognized. This means that a line is drawn in the sand.
Those who are recognized are welcomed into our community and society and gifted with rights and protections. Those who are not recognized have nothing. They are outside of the law.
This does not mean that they are untouchable. No, it means the opposite. They are vulnerable. They are at the mercy of whatever encounters them. That's why, for example, the Precept of War does not apply to Banishers, Seers, or Scelesti in Sacramento. They are unrecognized. When two recognized cabals want to throw down, though, the Precept of War can't be ignored because both cabals have already agreed to be a part of the Consilium and to recognize the wisdom and authority of its laws and its jurisdiction. That is why the Precept of Recognition is so important to our Society, and to our laws. -- Avis

Precept of Protectorate

The Consilium of Sacramento seeks to protect those sanctum and resources of those who deign to inform the Consilium. As it does protect and recognize Territory as taken by a Member Cabal. As this shows a trust instilled within the power of the Consilium, it will do all in its power to protect and to inform the Wise of the protocols observed and conducted when it comes to Right of Crossing and Hospitality. While the concept of Territory is closed to Solitaires, Sanctum and the right to hold a safe place is one afforded to all.

Illumination: Our society as a whole is built around a very simple principle: We are stronger together than we are apart. So we come together, we pay our dues, we follow the laws. And when the chips are on the table, we ask for help. This gives you a vehicle for asking for help. That means two things. First, if you violate someone else's territory, then we're obligated to help them. So don't do that. Take the time to check if what you're going to do is going to violate someone else's trust. Secondly, if you tell us what needs protecting, then we can help you do that. So help us help you. Sometimes the Wisest thing you can do is realize that you're not alone. -- Mace

Precept of Hubris

The Awakened have been given a heavy burden to bear with the weight of knowledge. It is, however, that we are also Wise. Let it be that the Wise of the Consilium of Sacramento should employ ethics within their daily lives and how they employ the gifts bestowed. But, should it be that one of ours, even for a moment, falls from the path of Wisdom: let that Mage suffer the consequences.

Illumination: It really shouldn’t be that difficult, but it is. We can sit and argue about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, but at the end of the day, we already know what those mean. Doing what is ‘right’ is to act in a way that does not harm those around you. Whether Wise or Sleeping, we all know that there is a line that we must not cross.
Let’s be clear. If you go through the proper channels outlaid by the Precept of War, then this doesn’t apply to those actions. But that’s because we’ve already washed our hands of those actions. And if we’ve already given approval within the Rights of Nemesis and the Duel Arcane, don’t come complaining to us about it either. You made that bed. Lie in it.
Except for those two situations, going and doing harm to another human being, whether Sleeping or Awake, is downright contemptible. Don’t mess with a sleeping soul, transform them, or bend them violently to your will. It is basically like kicking a baby. It’s not a fair fight, and a cowardly thing to do. Not to mention, these are actions that also breach the Precept of Secrecy.
So just don’t do it. It isn’t worth crossing that line. If you have to ask where it is, unless you’re an apprentice and even then, you shouldn’t. -- Nous

Casting a curse, forcing an unwilling transformation, binding another’s spirit, magical attacks on others or aiding spiritual possession;

Precept of War

When the Member Cabals of the Consilium of Sacramento feel as though they have exhausted every means of arbitration; the Consilium recognizes their Right of Nemesis under the Precept of War. The Consilium also recognizes that such war comes in many forms.

  • Street Warfare: A Cabal announces its intent to attack, but is banned from violating the Sanctum of their rivals.
  • Spiritual Warfare: The Cabal announces that it will use the Shadow Realm or Twilight as it’s battlefield for open magic. This is in an effort to preserve the Precept of Secrecy.
  • Sanctum Warfare: The Cabal informs the consilium of its intent to strike at the Sanctum of their Rival; understanding that once these gates are open they may not be closed again and retribution will follow for them.
  • Shadow Warfare: The Cabal confides that they intent to strike at another supernatural society, absolving the Consilium of knowledge and accepting that they go alone into their intended action.
  • The Duel Arcane: A single champion of each cabal involved in the conflict conduct single combat till exhaustion. This is an effort to prevent any further bloodletting of Wise.
Illumination: Awakened are held to a higher standard. With our cataclysmic powers, judicious use of these talents must be kept in check. To be frank: it is never okay to violate the Precept of Secrecy.
Cabals should never march to war over trivial matters. To ensure order and progress, the Council has the authority to arbitrate grievances. All other options must be exhausted before such a declaration. -- Ermac

Let it be known that although the cabals are at war - even Spiritual Warfare- with an open declaration, they are still not released from their obligation to the Precept of Secrecy.

Silver Laws

To change Consilium Concords, also known as The Silver Laws, requires a majority vote by the ruling Council.

Bronze Laws

Bronze Laws include all Precedents and rulings created by the Consilium of Sacramento, and recognized as such. Within, Illuminations are writ within to guide as per past judgements of exalted members of the Consilium of Sacramento. Finally, Lictoral Pronouncements and judgments done within and for the Consilium of Sacramento are also found within the scope of the Bronze Laws.

Iron Laws

The Word of an Awakened, is their sword and their shield. It means everything. The breaching of oaths within the Consilium shall not be taken lightly. Cabal Protocols fall beneath the Iron Laws. Be weary when one takes on an oath with a false heart.

  • Vox Contractus: The simplest of terms. All parties agree that this constitutes an Iron Law. The Consilium of Sacramento will support any wronged party should this oath be broken.
  • Vox Publicus: Public swearing of an oath between parties before the Awakened of the Consilium of Sacramento. Three Witnesses are required, and a neutral Herald to conduct the Rite of Requite. This is essential for Greater Oaths. Minor Oaths, however, may forgo the witness requirement and may do so before the Hierarch, or the Herald conducting their Rite of Requite.
  • Vox Libertas: Oaths taken must be taken with a free and clear heart. None, may force another to take an oath under magical coercion or otherwise. When used by the Ruling Council or its Emissary to carry out a Judgement, this Protocol is waived.

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