The Elodoth is the Walker Between, the one auspice with a real understanding of boundaries and edges, the oft-invisible lines that divide the world into “yours” and “ours.” Werewolves fight over territory all the time, but when neighboring packs have helped each other in the past, starting a turf war is a really bad idea. To that end, the rite defines a shared border between two territories. Both packs must agree on where the border runs; the spiritual compact that empowers the rite recognizes no disputed zones. Any werewolf of either pack can see the boundary as a softly glowing wall, about as bright as the light of the Half Moon on a dark night. The boundary doesn’t stop anyone crossing it; it just acts as a reminder that two packs have drawn a line in the sand. In the Shadow, the boundary is a wall of bright moonlight almost a half-mile high; easily enough to scare minor spirits into remaining on one side or the other.
Performing the Rite
Both packs must have agreed on a shared border before this rite begins. The ritemaster howls to the totems of both packs and to the spirits of both territories, entreating
them to honor the boundary. Each pack’s alpha urinates into a large container prepared with agrimony, camphor, salt, and collected rainwater from both territories. The ritemaster walks along the boundary with both alphas, spilling the mixture in the bowl along the line. At the end, both alphas call to their pack totems to respect the divide between the two territories.