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Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.163
Arrow : Night As Day
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By attuning her perceptions to pick up trace amounts of ambient light, supplementing this with an intuitive feel for vibration, heat and the like, a mage can see in the dark with the same clarity as most nocturnal predators. She can essentially perceive the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum and detect electromagnetic radiation, or sonic or kinetic energy.

Each success lessens by one any penalties for operating under cover of darkness.


Sudden bursts of light can prove disorienting or even painful for the mage and that she will find the light of an ordinary desk lamp to be excessive, while full noonday sunlight is excruciating. (Invert lighting penalties for the character; it is easy to see in dim or no light, difficult to see in normal light and impossible to see in very bright light.) Also, because this vision is augmented by a somewhat heightened sense for sound and vibration, sudden, violent motions (like an earthquake or an explosion) may temporarily impose penalties on the mage as she readjusts her perceptions to compensate.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Night As Day

Few things are more frightening to the enemies of the heirs of Atlantis than a squad of Adamantine Arrow willworkers moving in under cover of night and supplemented by this rote. Whether used on the defensive (when a sanctum suddenly loses power, for example, and something unspeakable begins seething up from the basement) or on the attack, this rote is to its caster as a light in the darkness.

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