Temporal Pocket

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MageSpells ● Temporal Pocket
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Time ●●●●
Extended None
Vulgar Weaving
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.265
FC : Seven Breaths in an Instant
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This spell enables a mage to withdraw into a personal temporal pocket, there to take whatever actions she sees fit during the subjective time allotted to her. If hunted and exhausted, she could take a nap outside of “mainstream” time and emerge a few minutes later, awake, alert and ready to keep moving.

While existing within such a temporal pocket, the mage cannot interact with or be interacted with by others, save for others proficient in the Time Arcanum who attempt to “break in” to her time bubble. The mage’s own subjective time continues to flow at the same rate within this pocket, but time passes at a different rate outside, determined by the strength of the mage’s spell. While within, she could set up an elaborate ritual and return to “mainstream” time with a powerful casting at the ready.

Successes are assigned to increasing the time that passes within the Pocket relative to what time passes without.

  • Time within Pocket -- Target Number
  • x2 -- 1 success
  • x3 -- 2 successes
  • x4 -- 3 successes
  • x5 -- 4 successes
  • x6 -- 5 successes

Example: One success allows two turns to pass within for every one turn that passes without, or two minutes within for one minute without, or two hours per one hour.

This spell affects only the mage. The maximum target number the caster can aim for is equal to his Gnosis or Time, whichever is higher. Once the Duration expires (measured in time without), the Pocket ceases to exist and the mage returns to normal time.

Free Council Rote: Seven Breaths in an Instant

This rote enables a Free Council willworker to step outside of Time, assess his situation, and make any preparations he requires in order to be at his most effective when he returns. After all, adaptability is sometimes nothing more than a chance to evaluate a difficulty from a safe vantage and with plenty of time to plan.

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