Telepathic Control

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MageSpells ● Telepathic Control
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Mind ●●●●
Instant Mana
Covert Patterning
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.216
Ladder : Crown of Kings
Noblesse Oblige
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The mage exerts telepathic control over humans and other higher minds. At this level, subjects cannot be compelled to undertake actions inimical to their nature (so most people could not be made to undertake blatantly suicidal actions, for example).

Additional targets can be added by increasing Target factors. All affected minds must be controlled in precisely the same way. In other words, the mage could command all affected subjects to protect her or dig a hole, but with a single spell could not make one person wash dishes, another make dinner and a third clean the bathroom.

If the caster tries to command the target to put himself in a dangerous situation, a fresh reflexive and contested roll is made for the victim to ignore the command (the new roll’s successes must exceed the spell’s).

With Mind ●●●●●, this spell can be cast with a prolonged Duration against mages or other supernatural targets. (Or the mage could cast the more powerful Psychic Domination spell, instead.)

Silver Ladder Rote: Crown of Kings

This rote is not used lightly by any save the most callous (and foolish) willworker of the Silver Ladder, as its abuse can easily lead one far from the path of Wisdom.

Silver Ladder Rote: Noblesse Oblige[1]

Those in positions of authority are owed obedience in return for the sacrifices they make and the protection they give to those below them.

Ancient Lands Pentalogy Rote: Spiritual Domination [2]

Through sheer force of dominating personality, the Regent in Silver commands Sophia to leave Soter at the altar and come to him in the Imperial Palace. This is a potent Silver Ladder rote, and quite prized by that Order.

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