Spirit Court

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MageSpells ● Spirit Court
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Spirit ●●●●●
Extended None
Covert Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.255
Ladder : Throne of the Celestial Potentate
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This spell enables a mage to create a spirit court of her own, one in which she is the ranking “spirit noble.” The court can be filled with its own courtiers, enforcers, spies, hangers-on and such.

By casting this spell, the mage takes on a Rank among spirits no higher than the lesser of her Spirit Arcanum or Gnosis. Spirits of lesser Rank than the mage seek (or may be persuaded) to attach themselves to her court, and she is treated with the respect, honor and dignity due one of her station. Of course, the mage is expected to uphold the dictates and etiquette of the spirit courts (meaning she had best be thoroughly conversant in them) and may herself be offered a position within the court of a still more powerful entity.

When calling, controlling, binding or otherwise using sympathetic magic upon members of her court, the mage may cast spells as though a spirit were in Intimate sympathetic contact with her, without need of the Space Arcanum. Thus, she can easily heal one of her courtiers, regardless of where it is, but could not cast an offensive spell at other spirits through her subject without an appropriate Space component.

Any spiritual alliances the mage makes are rendered null and void when the spell expires (at least, spirits don’t uphold their end of any bargains, though many continue to expect the willworker to fulfill her outstanding obligations). The willworker is expected to support, protect and advise her vassals (and they are expected to do the same for her).

Silver Ladder Rote: Throne of the Celestial Potentate

By claiming lordship within the hierarchies of the spirit world, a Silver Ladder mage can strengthen his aspirations to leadership among mortals. The use of this rote can entail a great deal of peril, as the willworker is sometimes embroiled in millennia-old allegiances, conflicts and rivalries, but many in the order would argue that such danger is truly worth its potential rewards.

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