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RAW:Sorcerers Retribution |
Action | Instant + |
Conjunctional | Prime + |
Cost | Mana + |
Duration | Prolonged + |
Forces | 3 + |
Free Council Rote | Angels of Malice + |
Mage | Spells + |
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. | 8 June 2016 13:38:35 + |
Parent | Forces + |
Permission | House Ruled + |
Pool | Forces + |
Rote | Free Council + |
Source | Grimoire of Grimoires + |
Spell Arcana | Forces + |
Spell Aspect | Vulgar + |
Spell Level | 3 + |
Spell Practice | Shielding + |
Categories | RAW, Spells, Mage House Rules, Mage: The Awakening |
redirect page | Sorcerers Retribution |
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RAW:Sorcerers Retribution +, Sorcerers Retribution + | redirect page |