Mage ●
Spells ● Transmute Water (Redirected from
RAW:Transmute Water)
The mage can transmute one common liquid substance into another common liquid substance. The mage could turn water into milk or orange juice into gasoline. (Even though milk and orange juice are organic derivatives, they are not alive, so can be manipulated with this Arcanum.)
At this level, the mage must touch the targeted liquid (or vapor) to be able to affect its adjacent volume. With Matter 3, he can cast this spell at sensory range. The mage can affect liquid vapor, like fog or mist, but not any substance whose single natural state is gaseous (like mustard gas or helium). He affects a volume of liquid or vapor based on his successes:
| Liquid Volume
| Vapor Volume
| Milk jug
| 5-cubic yard
| Gas Tank
| 10-cu. yard
| Bathtub
| 20-cu. yard
| Swimming Pool
| 40-cu. yard
| Olympic Swimming Pool
| 80-cu. Yard
With Matter ●●●, a volume of liquid composed of more than one liquid substance can be affected (although it must still be touched). ]Matter ●●●● is needed to transmute multiple liquid substances at sensory range.
Guardians of the Veil Rote: Lesser Transfiguration
Guardians of the Veil find this rote useful for preventing an enemy’s escape by automobile, turning gasoline to water. Of course, at this level of casting, touching the gas to affect its adjacent volume can be tricky, but that’s what siphons are for.