Stop Time

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MageSpells ● Stop Time (Redirected from RAW:Stop Time)
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Time ●●●●●
Instant Mana
Vulgar Unmaking
Duration Transitory
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.267
FC : Hand of Glory
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The mage suspends time around the target. The target’s subjective perception shows him as existing in one moment and then, instantaneously, another later time. To onlookers, it appears as if the target is perfectly still, even if he’s in mid-air.

Each success allows the subject to be frozen in time for one turn. The field of suspended time exists immediately around the target. If anyone or anything enters this field — that is, if the target is touched — the spell is broken and the target is restored to normal time.

Free Council Rote: Hand of Glory

Willworkers of the Free Council use this rote for a wide variety of purposes, such as stealing money from a wealthy countesses’ safe right before her very (unseeing) eyes, or giving a conspiracy theorist a case of “lost time,” so that he might think that aliens had abducted him in the interval of time of which he has no memory (but which clocks clearly show having passed).

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