Mage ●
Spells ● Steal Lifespan (Redirected from
RAW:Steal Lifespan)
The mage steals years of life from a Sleeper to extend his own life. Each person is allotted a set span of years, a single thread of existence that is snipped with each passing year, the thread growing shorter and shorter. A person’s actions in life can fray the thread or stretch it. This spell allows a mage to snip a portion of a Sleeper’s thread and sew it to his own. This spell cannot be cast upon supernatural beings, including the Awakened.
The target number of successes equals the number of years sought from the target, although the mage may not steal more years with a single casting than his total dots in Death. The mage can cast this spell on the same target only once a year.
This effect is largely in the hands of the Storyteller. It is a means mages can use to live beyond a normal mortal life span, although it does not prevent the effects of aging nor death by calamity.
Silver Ladder Rote: Drawing the Thread of Years
Building something of lasting importance can be difficult at best to accomplish within a single lifetime. Ladder willworkers turn to this rote to seize a few more precious years in which to finish their grand works.
Mysterium Rote (Unnamed)
Mysterium scholars likewise fail to see any reward in departing the mortal coil while halfcompleted projects and unfinished research remain.