Materialize Spirit

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MageSpells ● Materialize Spirit (Redirected from RAW:Materialize Spirit)
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Spirit ●●●●●
Instant Mana
Vulgar Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.254
Arrow : Descending from Heaven
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The mage can cause a spirit (including a ghost) to materialize. A spirit that cannot normally incarnate may be given physical substance by way of this spell. (A spirit with the power to manifest can be compelled to do so with the Control Spirit spell.)

If the target is on the other side of the Gauntlet, the spellcasting roll is penalized by the strength of the Gauntlet. Success forces the targeted spirit across the Gauntlet and into a manifest form in the material realm. Its manifestation takes whatever form the spirit naturally has, although it is slightly transparent, like a ghostly apparition.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Descending from Heaven

Despite the name of this rote, it need not be used on angelic or beatific spirits. Indeed, it is most commonly cast on hostile and malevolent entities so that Arrow willworkers and their allies can bring the fight directly to the beings. Conversely, a friendly spirit can be incarnated, whether in combat or in time of peace.

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