Mage ●
Spells ● Goetic Struggle (Redirected from
RAW:Goetic Struggle)
Most treatises on goetic magic begin by teaching an initiate to master his own Vice.
This spell “summons” an inner demon into a mage’s consciousness and binds it to his will. Then, whenever the mage’s Vice might come into play during the spell’s duration, he can mentally wrestle the demon (a contested roll between his Gnosis + Mind and his own Resolve + Composure). If he wins, he gains Willpower as if his action had reflected the Vice (even though he didn’t actually act upon it). The demon is put down and banished (this spell must be cast again to gain the same effect). If the demon wins the contest, however, the mage must act out the Vice — and he doesn’t get Willpower for it.
Clavicularius Rote: Solomonic Authority
This rote is considered an essential practice, and is named after a precept of the Clavicularius and some Silver Ladder mages: To rule another, one must rule ones self first.
Bene Ashmedai Rote: The Secret Seal
This rote enables a Diabolist to grapple with her inner darkness -- or, if she is skilled enough in the arts of Mind, to help another to do so.