Mage ●
Spells ● Create Hallow (Redirected from
RAW:Create Hallow)
The mage can create a temporary Hallow.
The target number equals the dots of the Hallow. The Hallow immediately yields up its rating in Mana, which can be harvested through normal means[1][2].
The effect lasts for one hour, but if it is made to last longer, the Hallow does not yield up more Mana until the same hour as its creation on each day for as long as the spell lasts. The spell uses the following Duration factors, but cannot be made to last indefinitely.
| Duration
1 success
| One scene/hour
2 successes
| 24 hours
3 successes
| Two days
4 successes
| One week
5 successes
| One month
While Hallows can conceivably be created anywhere, certain places are more conducive than others. High places, such as at the top of a mountain, tall hill, tree or skyscraper are the best. If a mage attempts to cast this spell anywhere else, he suffers dice penalties. Casting at sea level is –1 die, while casting slightly below sea level, such as in a hollow, is –2 dice. Casting in a deep hole or pit is –3 dice.
Mysterium Rote: Sanctum Flow
When there are no uncontrolled Hallows nearby, the master of Prime creates one of his own. Mysterium mages in need of a source of Mana use this rote to provide themselves with the necessary power without having to return to a familiar Hallow or wrest free an unfamiliar one. Silver Ladder mages interested in forming sanctums of their own sometimes use similar magics to demonstrate the benefits of service to other willworkers.
Mysterium Rote: Supernal Immanence[3]
All of the Fallen World was, at one point, in connection with the Supernal Realms. Some places - Hallows - maintain this connection naturally, but all things in the mundane world still resonate with that power. Through the seeking of Supernal symbolism in a given location, the mage may "remind" a piece of the Fallen World of that sympathy, and thus awaken the Supernal there.