Lodge of Quetzal

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Lodge of Quetzal
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Spirit/Totem Beshilu
Benefit Stealth Gifts
Insight Gifts
Blasphemies p. 93
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The Lodge of the Quetzal is named after a Bone Shadow. So drab was his coat and appearance that his friends kidded him by giving him the deed name of the most beautiful bird they knew. The lodge’s lore claims that, in the 19th century, Quetzal uncovered the diary of a member of the Brotherhood of the Crossed Swords and discovered their culpability.

He made the mistake of thinking that the elders of the famous lodge would like to know what had happened. They had him killed and burned the fragile documents. He had made copies, though, and upon word of his death, three envelopes were opened and the Lodge of Quetzal was born. Lodge members fight almost solely against the interests of the Brotherhood, and strive to uncover the truth of what happened during the conquest. They are convinced that the Brotherhood is now part of the problem, rather than a solution.


Anybeast (Mother Luna ••), Stealth ••, Subterfuge ••


Lodge members may add the Stealth and Insight Gifts to their affinity lists.

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