In the Prose Edda of Norse Mythology there was told a tale of Mímisbrunnr, Mimir's Well, housed beneath the roots of the World Tree and guarded by the spirit, Mimir. To gain the great wisdom contained within its waters the god, Odin, traded his left eye and was granted the knowledge of Runes, a language imbued of great power.
The members of Keepers of Mimir's Well have the self-appointed task of gathering knowledge and wisdom which they use to obtain ancient secrets and untapped power. Currently they are made up of members of the Mysterium and continue their duties as a tight-knit group. Based in Sacramento, the Keepers live in their shared Sanctum & Hallow under the roof of the mage Toren where they pool their resources and research.
The creation of the Cabal, Keepers of Mimir's Well, was initially an effort by the mages Toren & Aenigma to form an alliance of similar minds and interests. Two candidates were selected, all from the Mysterium Order, and invited to dinner as a show of good faith. These candidates were the Thyrsus, Kiko, and the Obrimos, Grimoire, each of whom accepted the offer and agreed to live under one Sanctum[1]. It wasn't until some months later that Grimoire had disappeared from the city, leaving an empty space within their Cabal. Reviewing the candidates within their Order, Nantale and Orpheus were considered and observed by the Keepers. After several conversations and outings it was agreed that they would be extended an invitation to join the Cabal. Another dinner was held with the candidates and upon their agreement they became the fourth and fifth members[2].
Their existence was announced at Consilium VII after the announcement of the Consilium's restructuring.