Why do you cry, my lovely? If you would only surrender your flesh to me, lay bare your soul to my caress. If you would only do this, I can set you free.
In tales, vampires are often depicted as rapacious creatures of unmatched appetite. They appear from the shadows, turning the lives of hapless mortals into waking nightmares of blood and sorrow. Often, stories of decadent aristocracy parallel these portrayals of the undead. Bored nobility charm some naïve peasant, inviting him into the world of the languid halls of power, only to turn the poor worker's life into a game. In the languorous Duchagne bloodline, the two images have merged, spawning a creature driven as much by a never-ending hunger as by a deep-seated need for new sensations.
Most Duchagne find a place in the hallowed halls of the First Estate. The Duchagne’s manipulative gifts allow them to excel at negotiation and interrogation in equal measures, as well as general interaction with kine and Kindred.