Disease Gifts

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Disease Gifts
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The Pure p. 115-116
Auspice, Lodges & Tribes
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The Fire-Touched relationship with disease bears many obscene fruits, among them a tribal affinity for learning from disease-spirits. These spirits can bestow Gifts upon the Uratha (though “infect” might be a better word). The Fire-Touched, for their part, feel that they are the only werewolves who can truly benefit from these Gifts, blessed as the Fire-Touched are with the fortitude of Gurim-Ur. Any other werewolves, the Fire-Touched believe, would sicken and die if they were to receive one of these Gifts.

Unless otherwise stated, the Natural Immunity Merit helps to resist the effects of these Gifts, where Applicable.


Fever Dreams (•)

The character passes along a spiritual infection to a target. Although this disease runs its course quickly, and rarely does any serious damage to the target, while he is infected he suffers cold sweats, headaches, fever and even mild hallucinations. Needless to say, fighting or even focusing his mind is extremely difficult while the disease holds him.

The character must touch her target’s flesh to use this Gift.

Virulent Rage (••)

The Fire-Touched infects another being with a portion of her Rage. When used on a werewolf, this Gift usually triggers Kuruth. When used a human being, the Gift causes a terrible fit of violent anger. Worse, this anger is contagious, meaning that if the Fire-Touched uses this Gift in a crowd, it will quickly spiral into a brutal, rioting mob.

Glorious Agony (•••)

By activating this Gift, the werewolf taints his own Essence with a spiritual malady. This illness actually makes the werewolf stronger and deadlier, lending the pain of disease and contagion to his claws and fangs. The Fire-Touched must sacrifice his own regenerative powers to allow the disease to run its course, however, and many an Izidakh has perished under the effects.

Once activated, Glorious Agony remains in effect for the remainder of the scene and cannot be terminated early.

Lingering Bite (••••)

The werewolf’s bite leaves festering, odious wounds in his target’s flesh. These wounds heal extremely slowly, even for werewolves.

Lingering Bite can be used in any form (though when the werewolf is in Hishu form, the werewolf’s bite inflicts bashing damage and suffers a –1 modifier). A successful bite attack inflicts damage as usual, but the damage cannot be healed by supernatural means. Lethal damage heals at the normal human rate of one level per two days, and aggravated damage (should the Fire-Touched manage to inflict it with this Gift) heals at one point per week. The Rite of Healing cures this damage as usual, however.

Wasting Sickness (•••••)

This horrific Gift allows the Fire-Touched to infect a target with a slow disease. The target sickens over a period of days, and, unless treated quickly and expertly, dies in less than week. Wasting Sickness can even be fatal to Uratha, though with their regenerative powers they are usually able to shake it off before death occurs. Though the disease is not normally transmittable, an exceptionally skillful or malicious Fire-Touched can make it so.

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