Complete Invisibility

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MageSpells ● Complete Invisibility
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Forces ●●●●●
Instant Mana
Vulgar Veiling
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.175
Guardians : Cloak of Light
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The mage can turn herself invisible, as with the Forces ●●● Personal Invisibility spell, but she no longer needs to maintain concentration to remain unseen.

One success is enough to hide the mage from sight, while excess successes act to occlude her from spells used to see or locate her (compare spell Potencies). Although the mage can now make quick movements (unlike with Personal Invisibility), and gains her Defense against attacks that can actually target her (the attacker must be able to see through the spell’s Potency with a spell of his own), she cannot make Brawl or Weaponry attacks or run or dive for cover without revealing her location. Such movements can be seen as a prominent blur or refraction of light, allowing others to freely target the mage (with a –1 dice penalty) on the turn in which she moves and before she acts again on the following turn.

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Cloak of Light

Guardians prize this rote as among the most valued for their “profession” of policing the Awakened world.

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