While the term “Chorus” isn’t exactly official throughout the covenant, nearly every domain contains some equivalent of this word. The position means the same thing everywhere: that the vampire is untrained and untested in the ways of the covenant.
In most cases, it doesn’t matter if the vampire coming to the covenant is a neonate or an elder, for all are novices when they first enter the Circle. This is for the benefit of the cult, but also for the benefit of the convert. This trial period not only shows the Acolytes if the novice is worth his mettle but also gives him ample opportunity to back out and return to his Requiem. Worship of the dire gods is insidious, and few cults allow a vampire to go halfway. It is all or nothing.
Once one commits beyond the period of the Chorus, he may gain all the benefits that the covenant allows, both real and perceived. He may gain favor of the gods. He can learn the blood rituals. He can count himself among an extended family unlike that which is seen (or is believed to be seen, at least) among other covenants. Once committed, he cannot leave. He cannot give up his faith and walk among the Sanctified — at least, not easily. Most times, the Acolytes will ensure that the vampire is bound to them. Only a more powerful patron outside the covenant can even begin to allow a traitor to escape the Circle.
That is the primary function of the Chorus: to allow both parties to ensure their willingness to commit to one another. The Chorus a hard time and a difficult role, for the Acolytes do not generally make entrance into their mysteries very easy. It is often painful on par with nothing else, a wholly unique brand of tribulation. But the Chorus helps represent one of those key tenets supported by the covenant as a whole: through pain, one may find enlightenment. Persevere through the trials, and belong to the Circle.