Alicia Silvers

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Alicia Silvers
Who I was yesterday is not who I am today.
Domain Daeva Unaligned
Presence (Breathtaking) ●●●●●
Striking looks (Bewitching) ●●●●
Distinctive voice (Harmoniously sweet-toned) ●●

Early life

Born as the oldest of three children, each of them blessed in their own regards, her younger sister the musically talented one able to play various instruments with a perfect pitch from an early age, her brother blessed with intelligence well beyond his years skipping several grades, and she blessed with the looks and beauty to outshine nearly anyone she ever encountered. Unfortunately for her though being the only one of her siblings born before her family´s status and her mothers old life really changed. Her father a up and coming socialite in New York, her mother a former hippie esque woman who hadn´t really given up on her old ways yet, still having vague memories of the eras when things were well or perhaps just imagining it, but soon her father hit it big, accrued a stronger name along with the wealth to go with it, and her mother turning into a socialite wife. Engaging in various things that made the family look good, giving up her own former dreams as money changed them both. No longer was fun or family time really important, the warmth she can still recall right before her eyes closes for the day gone, now everything being about money, status or appearances. Forced to train in how to act, how to behave, how to be proper, how to use her looks and appearances to impress others. Not allowed to date as she pleased or do anything that was not for the benefit of the family name, each curiosity that peaked her interest denied, friends and their families vetted and looked over thoroughly before she was even allowed to spend time with them, her after school activities not a matter of choice but things decided by her parents for the paths they saw could yield them the most benefit. Only having one thing she was even allowed to indulge in but even then only as a reward after doing all else her parents forced upon her. Attending various social events the norm since her early teenage years, to be the proper one, her siblings lacking in her refinement meant all the more pressure upon her to be the one that made them look good, the one they could introduce as their shining star even if it was all just tied to her looks and manners, the only symbol left of old being her name, the one reminder that her life hadn´t always been so stuck up, so dull, so predictable. Even though she hated the name, so was it one thing she could never truly discard due to the associational memories it held, still it irked her each time her parents or teasing siblings uttered it always preferring to use her middle name instead. Not like she saw them much, most of her time was either spent with a tutor or sitter as her parents either traveled, or worked, not even sure if her younger siblings could recall a warm moment with them as to her it was such a distant memory and they were born into this world that she slid into at an exceedingly young age. Still she was forced to endure, not knowing anything else, not knowing how to escape, constantly bored, hating each moment with all her tutors but one, hating each party where she was nothing more than a doll, hating the lack of choices, hating just how bored she were at all times, how each smile was false, how each action were planned nothing truly living, how she was just a tool for advancement. This was her life, only dreaming of the day she could escape it as during one party her parents started to talk with another couple of how their son whom she went to school with although him a couple of years over her had caught her fancy, and how beneficial it would be for them to date. Not letting anything show at the moment but once they got home all she heard from her parents was how to play this well, how to behave, and that if she played her cards right so would it be a very beneficial marriage, their families could work together, joining their businesses, ensuring a legacy for the family, for their money, and secure the future for her and all her siblings. Mortified as she argued with her parents over that she had no interest in the guy, he was ugly, dull and nothing that interested her, besides she was interested in another girl, that was the child of a babysitter for another family and she had finally managed to awaken her interest. Something she should not have let slide, neither her interest in a girl nor her status as she was severely reprimanded, her tutor taken from her and denied all things she enjoyed until she would behave and let go of these childish things, along with looking into getting her into therapy to get over this phase.

Fighting it for a while, but soon agreeing as she secretly packs up her things, not that it took much effort her parents wouldn´t have noticed if she so did it with her door open and screamed at how she was doing it. Waiting for a time to get over to the guy, but making sure that she was there when she knew he would not be home, seducing his sister that was in the same class as her as a final finger to her family, then grabbing her things and leaving home never to look back, but leaving a message to them of what she had done along with a list of things she would do would they try and drag her back home. The advantage of having more dirt that she could prove than any P.I could ever begin to dream of digging up as her new life of freedom began.


  • Everything should be experienced at least once: Ever seeking for something that can kindle the embers within Alicia will gladly try nearly anything at least once.
  • I can make that: The only limitation to what can be created with the right formula is the lack of having found said formula, learning of or discovering new ones one of the few constant pleasures of existence.
  • Change is enjoyment: Ever the self acclaimed chameleon Alicia will happily indulge in chances to explore a new persona for the night.
  • There is nothing stronger than blood: The danse is eternal, the past will one day haunt you, no one survives alone, why not danse with blood?
Facts about Alicia SilversRDF feed
AvatarDaria Moroz  +
Blood Potency1  +
Character NameAlicia Silvers  +
Character StatusActive  +
Character TypeVampire  +
ClanDaeva  +
Clan Status0  +
CovenantUnaligned  +
Covenant Status0  +
Domain Status1  +
Forumid334340  +
Last PostLast Post  +
Lived InSacramento  +
OneaccountNo  +
PC or NPCPC  +
PlayerLadySin  +
PlayerID334020  +
Posted22 January 2025  +
Presence5  +
Sacramento End22 January 2025  +
Sacramento Start8 August 2024  +
Secondary Picturewarning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted.
Tenure0.5  +
Threadid47283  +
VenueVampire  +
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