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MageSpells ● Telekinesis
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Forces ●●●
Instant None
Vulgar Weaving
Duration Lasting
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.170
Arrow : Unnamed
Ladder : Hand of the Mind
Known By:
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The mage can telekinetically lift and/or use an object remotely.

The mage must declare before casting whether successes apply to the force’s Strength (its lifting ability) or Dexterity (its fine manipulation ability). The lesser Attribute has a default score of 1 dot. The caster can also raise either Attribute by choosing to suffer a –1 dice penalty on the spellcasting roll per dot to be raised. She could, for example, choose to put a lot of Strength and very little Dexterity into a spell intended to lift an extremely heavy object straight up (see Lifting and Moving Objects), or she could grant very little Strength and a lot of Dexterity to a spell cast to use a set of lock picks from a distance (roll the Telekinesis Dexterity + caster’s Larceny Skill).

The object cannot be moved beyond the mage’s sight (unless he uses Space ●● to scry it). The mage can move the item at a Speed per turn equal to his Gnosis + Forces. The mage must concentrate for each turn (see Concentration). With Forces ●●●●, he can cast the spell with a default Duration of one scene (in which case, when he is not actively manipulating the object, it stays where he left it, even levitating in the air).

Silver Ladder Rote: Hand of the Mind

A leader must resort to underhanded means on occasion. A document may need to be filched or a lock picked. Likewise, displays of brute force are sometimes useful, such as when battering down a door. Silver Ladder mages use this rote for those times.

Adamantine Arrow Rote:

Adamantine Arrow willworkers use their version of the rote for almost purely martial purposes, such as to toss things at their enemies.

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