Lodge of Metal

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Lodge of Metal
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Latest revision as of 20:49, 3 February 2014

Spirit/Totem Fierce Iron
Tribe Iron Masters
Benefit Rite of Corrosion
Fire Hammer
Lodges The Faithful.jpg
Lodges The Faithful p. 70-72
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Of Skill and Discovery

The Lodge of Metal is one of the oldest extant lodges of the Iron Masters — if not the oldest. Even as humanity moved from using found objects and shaping them into tools to creating their own from metal, so too did the idea spread amongst the Iron Masters, if the legend behind the lodge’s origin is to be believed. In particular, the use of metal weapons was to be a boon for the Uratha (albeit a mixed one, thanks to the eventual creation of silver weapons). For creatures whose life is struggle, the ability to take the humans’ idea of creating tools (and most especially weapons) is a powerful one. Indeed, the Lodge of Metal is held in high regard not just by the Iron Masters but by most of the tribes of the Uratha. Most werewolves can see the value in finely wrought weapons in their hands.

Many lodges claim ancestry from members of this lodge, but most metalsmiths doubt this claim. After all, lodges such as the Lodge of Arms are more concerned with the use of tools than in their creation. And for the metalsmith, the act of creation is all. However, those who craft more archaic weapons with forge and anvil are a minority in the lodge. Many more of the lodge members are occupied with the creation of anything from hand-assembled guns to custom-built computers and personalized mobile phones. For all the lodge’s long and distinguished ancestry, lodge members does move with the times.


Crafts •••, Investigation ••, Wits •••


The primary benefit of becoming a member of the lodge is communication with other lodge members and the information that is shared as a result. However, their relationship with Fierce Iron grants them a real boon when creating new items. Lodge members gain three extra dice in all Craft-related rolls, and a +2 to any rolls to coerce or bribe spirits when offering chiminage lodge members crafted themselves.

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