Spirit Manse

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Spirit ●●●●●
Extended None
Covert Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.256
The Mysterium : Spirit Sanctum
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The mage creates a sanctum in the Shadow Realm.

The target number of successes is based on the volume of the manse. See the “Area-Affecting” chart for extended spellcasting, p. 120. The caster also adds one success to the target number per point of Durability of the outer wall (on a one-point-per-success basis). Ordinary features (a normal chair or a bookshelf) are woven out of ephemera and require no successes to create. Exceptional features (an elaborate pair of golden double doors or a fountain or glittering crystal) require one or more successes, depending on their size.

Example: Nine Fox Thunder creates a Spirit Manse to host a meeting with a spirit from which she desires to learn some gossip. She wants it to cover a volume of 20 cubic yards, which costs two successes. Since she doesn’t expect trouble, she decides that the walls don’t need to be very strong (Durability 1, for one success). Finally, she wants it to have a luminously glowing reflecting pond at the center, which costs one success. Since her meeting will only last a few hours, but she doesn’t want the manse disappearing prematurely, she extends the Duration to 12 hours for two successes. The total target number is six successes.

The mage can control who comes or goes from his manse. All others must forcibly breach the walls to get in. The mage can increase Duration using the advanced prolonged Duration factors.

Mysterium Rote: Spirit Sanctum

With this rote, a Mysterium mage can craft a stronghold far from the prying eyes of ordinary mortals. Despite the dangers inherent to doing so, such a domain has its advantages.

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