With this spell, a mage can call down a small incarnation of a universal concept, giving shape to it within the immaterial state of Twilight.
- Practice: Patterning
- Action: Extended and contested; target rolls Resistance reflexively
- Duration: Prolonged (one scene)
- Aspect: Vulgar
- Cost: 1 Mana
An Adept of the Mind Arcanum wishing to summon a thoughtform (aletheian, dementia, exemplar, or iniquity) must accrue successes equal to five times the desired Rank of the entity, to a maximum Rank equal to the mage’s dots in Mind. If the thoughtform, for whatever reason, does not desire to be drawn down to the material realm, then it may roll Resistance to contest the summoning, with a target number of
successes equal to five times the summoner’s Gnosis. Note that the summoner has no real control over the specific potency or capabilities of the thoughtform that answers the call, beyond the ability to specify a given ideal and spirit Rank. A mage whose consciousness is presently beyond
the barrier of his Oneiros (either in the Temenos or the Dreamtime) need not spend a point of Mana to cast this spell, and its Aspect becomes covert. In such a case, the entity manifests within the Astral, at the location of the mage’s consciousness.
- Silver Ladder Rote: Anima Mundi
- Dice Pool: Presence + Persuasion + Mind
- This rote is an old account within the Dragon’s Voice, dating back (some say) to the time of the Atlantean Diaspora. Seeking knowledge and guidance from the overarching concepts that bind the cosmos together, enterprising théarchs cried out directly to the Astral Realm and gave heed to its replies.