Mage ●
Spells ● Reset Platonic Exemplar
The mage removes all spells woven into a Platonic exemplar, freeing up room for replacement magics.
“Reset Platonic Exemplar” usually removes all spells from an item. On a dramatic success, the mage can choose which spells stay and which ones go. The mage must touch the item during casting.
Note that the normal rules preventing the permanent dispellation of Enchanted Items do not apply to Platonic exemplars, which by definition are vessels used to contain an ever-changing roster of spells.
Mysterium Rote: Retune the Ineffable Essence
Though Platonic exemplars arouse cupidity in even the most ascetic of mages, none covet these items with a hotter fever than the members of the Mysterium. Many learn this rote in the mere anticipation of one day acquiring such a treasure.