Mage ●
Spells ● Sigilization (Redirected from
This spell imposes upon an image or object (not a
living creature) the caster’s own aura, or that of a group
of people, such as a cabal of mages. Mages use this spell
most often to create a sigil, an image or object that bears
their personal mark.
Successes are applied to the sigil’s Duration:
Successes / Duration
- 1 = One scene/hour
- 2 = Two hours (24 hours with Prime 3)
- 3 = 12 hours (Two days with Prime 3)
- 4 = 24 hours (One week with Prime 3)
- 5 = Two days (One Month with Prime 3
This magical aura does not extinguish the object’s
own resonance, but the aura does make it harder to
scrutinize the object: anyone studying the object with
Mage Sight must first collect a number of successes equal
to this spell’s Potency before the natural resonance can
be discerned past the mage’s imposed aura.
If this spell is cast as a group ritual, the auras of all
the mages involved are imposed upon the target object.
In this manner, cabals can mark items with their own
group sigil.
With Prime 3, the mage can sigilize his aura upon
living creatures, covering up their natural auras with
his own. Some mages have been known to do this to
“brand” their servants or even their apprentices.
When cast in combination with the Prime 2 “Transform
Aura” effect, this spell can sigilize items with an
aura other than the mage’s own. It is not easy counterfeiting
other mage’s auras, however. The mage first
has to examine the aura to be copied, using Mage Sight
and the rules for scrutinizing resonance (see p. 277-
279 in Mage: The Awakening). If he’s trying to copy a cabal’s sigil, he must do this for every aura involved
in the sigil. Once he’s done this and made the fake
sigil, his copy can be scrutinized to see if it’s a forgery.
Examiners make an extended action Intelligence +
Occult roll (10 minutes per roll) with a target number
equal to the concealing spell’s Potency.
Mysterium Rote: Seal of Authority
Of all the orders, the Mysterium is perhaps the most
obsessed with cataloguing things, including personal
property. The Mysterium’s members use this rote to
mystically mark things as theirs. Like other orders, they
also use this rote in official communiqués, to prove that
a letter or item comes from them.