Self Purging

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MageSpells ● Self Purging (Redirected from RAW:Self Purging)
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Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.183
The Mysterium : Blood of the Lamb
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The mage can cure sickness or disease in herself.

The rarity and virulence of the disease determines the target number required for overcoming it. A common cold might require three successes while Ebola might require 10 or more. Note that this spell provides no clues whatsoever toward providing a mundane antidote or cure for the disease.

Mysterium Rote: Blood of the Lamb

With poultices and strange elixirs, a mage of the Mysterium banishes illness and disease from her body, revitalizing and restoring herself from the ravages of even the most terrible sicknesses to the fullness of health.

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