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MageSpells ● Scrying (Redirected from RAW:Scrying)
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Space ●●
Instant Mana
Covert Ruling
Duration Transitory
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.235
Guardians : Remote Viewing
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The mage can view a location remotely. She can employ all of her senses through these “perceptual windows,” allowing her to see, hear, smell and even touch things on the far side. This spell can be used for a variety of purposes, from checking up on a loved one to spying on a hated enemy. Mages through time have doubtlessly used it for virtually every possible reason.

The spellcasting roll is modified by the mage’s sympathetic connection to the location[1]. The Duration at this level is transitory (once the mage ceases concentration), but with Space ●●● the mage can cast the spell with a prolonged Duration (and Space ●●●● allows him to use advanced prolonged Duration factors[2].

If he touches someone through the scrying window, a reflexive Wits + Composure roll is made for that person to notice. If it succeeds, he knows that something just touched him, but unless he has magical senses, he doesn’t know who or what it was. This sensation is enough to invoke Sleeper Disbelief[3]. The caster cannot actually affect anything with his touch unless he combines this spell with another Space spell such as Apportation.

Cast conjunctionally with Spirit ●●, the caster can scry across the Gauntlet.

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Remote Viewing

Guardians of the Veil often use magics such as this to spy on quarries before determining appropriate courses of action.

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