Psychic Projection

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Mind ●●●●
Instant Mana
Vulgar Patterning
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.215
The Mysterium : Treading the Invisible Way
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The mage can project his mind into the state of Twilight. This mental form has no Corpus or ephemeral body, just an intangible, semi-transparent image that can be affected only by mind affecting powers. Likewise, the mentally projecting mage cannot affect creatures or things physically except through magic.

During the time he is mentally projected, the mage’s body is alive but comatose. He has no way of knowing his body’s current state of health or any other information about it unless he uses other magic. Should the mage’s body die while psychically projected, he most likely becomes a ghost and moves to an appropriate anchor. (See “Ghosts”[1])

While the caster is projected his soul continues to reside within his body, as well as in his distant consciousness, serving as a conduit between the two.

Mysterium Rote: Treading the Invisible Way

Some secrets are hidden far beyond the realm of flesh, and mages of the Mysterium go where they must to seek them out. By entering the state of Twilight, they wander amongst fleshless entities and spy upon others without heeding physical obstructions like walls.

  1. pp. 208-216 of the World of Darkness Rulebook.
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