Psychic Domination

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MageSpells ● Psychic Domination (Redirected from RAW:Psychic Domination)
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Mind ●●●●●
Instant None
Covert Making
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.217
The Mysterium : Kowtow
Ladder : Your Will Is Mine
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The willworker can utterly dominate the mind of another thinking being, subjugating the entity’s survival instincts or most deep-seated moral convictions. He could issue a suicidal command and compel another to heed it or force her to do something she considers absolutely abhorrent. This is exactly the same as manipulating a mind or telepathically controlling it, save that there is literally no limit to the sorts of thoughts and behaviors the willworker can force upon a subject.

Silver Ladder Rote: Your Will Is Mine

The ultimate act of mental influence, this rote enables a Silver Ladder willworker to force compliance in another.

Mysterium Rote: Kowtow

Mages of the Mysterium by and large find such magic distasteful,but they also recognize its occasional necessity.

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