Mage ●
Spells ● Optimize Kinetic Attack (Redirected from
RAW:Optimize Kinetic Attack)
This spell channels wasted kinetic energy from a mage’s movements into the speed and force of an attack.
Divide successes between the number of future attacks this spell benefits, and its primary effect, adding dice to any Brawl or Weaponry-based attack. Each success devoted to this advantage adds a die to the mage’s attack dice pool. There’s a limit: no attack can have a combined spell + weapon damage dice bonus of more than 5, or 1 higher than the weapon’s damage bonus if the mage already wields a 5 damage weapon.
If the mage would gain a combined bonus 1 higher than this, he instead gains the 9 again advantage. (If the weapon provides 9 again already, this becomes 8 again.) If the mage would gain a combined 3 higher than the limit, he gets the 8 again advantage — the maximum benefit the spell can provide.
Adamantine Arrow Rote: Arashi Waza
A master of the “storm technique” sees the chaotic currents of the wind reflected in his physical movements. He uses his mind and body to smooth the frayed lines of motion in his movement without sacrificing raw power.