Instill Exclusiveness

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MageSpells ● Instill Exclusiveness (Redirected from RAW:Instill Exclusiveness)
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Prime ●●●
Covert Weaving
Duration Prolonged
Tome of the Mysteries.jpg
Tome of the Mysteries, p. 142
Guardians : Rights of Property
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The mage weaves an enchantment into an item preventing anyone but its present owner from drawing on its imbued powers.

Unauthorized users may still be targeted by the item’s other defensive enchantments, if any.

The mage may, at the time of casting, exempt any of the item’s magical properties from the purview of this spell. An item’s enhancements are often exempted; exclusiveness would otherwise make the item less durable when handled by enemies intent on destroying it.

A spell that has not yet been cast on the item at the time Instill Exclusiveness is woven into it is automatically exempted from its effect.

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Rights of Property

Guardians rankle at the thought of grubby outsider hands making profi table use of their precious Enchanted Items.

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