Ghost Summons

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MageSpells ● Ghost Summons (Redirected from RAW:Ghost Summons)
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Death ●●
Instant None
Covert Ruling
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.137
Ladder : Muster the Dead
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The mage calls a specific ghost or sends out a general call to the nearest ghost within sensory range. He may either call one or more ghosts personally known to him, or he may specify any type of ghost of his choosing (male ghosts or child ghosts, for example), or even send out a general summons to all restless shades within his sensory range (in which case, the closest one to him responds). The ghost comes to the caster with as much speed as it can muster, although it cannot be made to go farther than the maximum distance it is allowed to travel from its anchor.

In the case of a general summons among multiple ghosts, the spell targets the closest one. A curious ghost will usually answer a general call or personal summons, but a reflexive, contested Resistance roll is made if it does not wish to come. It must remain near the summoning mage for the Duration of the spell, unless the caster allows it to leave.

Silver Ladder Rote: Muster the Dead

Even the shades of the dead can be gathered by the call of a Silver Ladder willworker. While the mage cannot compel a ghost to do anything without more advanced magics, nothing prevents her from convincing the dead to serve her by more mundane means.

Ancient Lands Pentalogy Rote: Invocation of Ash and Wormwood [1]\

With a clever tongue and knowledge of the bindings applied to the spirits of the dead, Soter uses this rote to call up the spirits of the dead so that he may learn from them.

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