Mage ●
Spells ● Electromagnetic Pulse (Redirected from
RAW:Electromagnetic Pulse)
The mage creates an EMP that destroys power and electrical devices.
| Radius Affected
| 1-Yard radius
| 2 -Yard radius
| 4 -Yard radius
| 8 -Yard radius
| 16 -Yard radius
One success is sufficient to ruin every electrical device within the spell’s radius (destroying the Structures of all electronic components). (Certain military devices specifically made to resist EMP are immune). A simple success affects a one-yard radius. Excess successes spread the pulse over a larger area.
The effect is lasting, although devices can be repaired.
Free Council Rote: Short Circuit
Free Council mages understand that modern people are often overly dependent on technology. Take that away, and the odds in any situation shift radically. Many people panic when their conveniences are taken away, not to mention the chaos t hat can ensue based purely on the loss of those devices. Communications break down, computers are destroyed and electronic recording media are wiped clean. Mysterium mages also use this rote, stripping others of the edge afforded by technology and stacking the deck in favor of the Awakened.
Free Council Rote: Ultimate Overload