Dispel Magic

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Instant Mana
Covert Compelling
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.220
FC : Prayer to San Cipriano
Guardians : Unweaving the Flaw
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Mages can dismantle or dispel existing spells, a process also known as “unweaving.”

The mage must have at least one dot in each Arcanum used in the spell to be dispelled, unless he has Prime ●●●●[1].

Note: This effect differs from Counterspell, which requires one dot in only one of the Arcana used by the target spell.

The successes of the dispelling mage’s effort must exceed the Potency of the existing spell to successfully dispel it.

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Unweaving the Flaw

Attacking the magics of others is sometimes the most direct and practical means of protecting the secrecy of the hidden world.

Free Council Rote: Prayer to San Cipriano[2]

This rote was created by an Obrimos Catholic priest, who considered Atlantean ideas to be heresy, sometime in the 1800s. He ended up among the Nameless, training a few apprentices in the service of San Cipriano, the patron saint of magic and those who needed the protection against witchcraft. Similar to many other cultural expressions of magic that eschew the legend of Atlantis, this prayer ended up among the Free Council mages, who value it for it's ability to remove magics.

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