Mage ●
Spells ● Delusions of Grandeur (Redirected from
RAW:Delusions of Grandeur)
The heady rush of power involved with casting a spell is like a drug to mages. The more power available to a mage, the greater the temptation to use that power. This spell tempts a mage with power, then punishes him for using it.
This spell targets the Mana of an opponent, allowing it to flow more easily from the target for a limited time. For the Duration of the spell, the target mage may spend one Mana more per turn than would normally be allowed by his Gnosis rating. Excited by the feeling of the Mana surging within them, mages usually give in to the temptation of spending more Mana than is necessary, but this newfound power comes at a price. While the mage is under the effect of this spell, any Mana expenditure is doubled in cost.
Banishers Rote: Mana Leak
Abuse of power by mages is a common element in the poorly produced Banisher pamphlets used to indoctrinate their followers. No power is as absolute as magic, they say, and so it follows that all mages must be corrupted by their power eventually. The Banishers point to the success of this particular rote against order mages as proof of this claim.