Animate Shadows

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MageSpells ● Animate Shadows (Redirected from RAW:Animate Shadows)
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Death ●●
Instant None
Vulgar Ruling
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.136
The Mysterium : Light's Nemesis
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As with Shadow Sculpting, above, but the mage can now cause the darkness to move, even causing it to travel from its naturally occurring place to somewhere darkness could not possibly exist, such as beneath the direct glare of a lamp.

The Speed at which the darkness can flow (directed by the caster as a reflexive action) is equal to the caster’s Gnosis + Death + the spell’s Potency.

Mysterium Rote: Light's Nemesis

Occasionally, the business of discovering the knowledge of the ancients is better pursued under cover of darkness than with a lantern proudly outstretched to dispel the shadows of ignorance.

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