Mage ●
Spells ● Aether Net (Redirected from
RAW:Aether Net)
The mage can create a wireless Internet connection or cell phone connection where there is none, allowing such devices to work even in the absence of their normal network(s).
Free Council Rote: WiFi
Wireless service doesn’t quite cover the world just yet, and even in places where it’s ubiquitous, it’s not always free. Free Council mages were quick to “crack” wireless Internet and cell communications in order to provide them with constant free and accessible service, making their cell phones, PDAs and laptops little more than talismans for the mystic “aether-net.”
This spell doesn’t provide a network device with any capabilities it doesn’t normally possess other than providing a free and open connection to the existing network. Still, the usefulness of searching the web, making cell calls and sending and receiving e-mail in the depths of a ruined temple or in an isolated locale shouldn’t be underestimated.