Aura Perception

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MageSpells ● Aura Perception
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Instant None
Covert Unveiling
Duration Concentration
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.205
Arrow : Know the Wolf by His Stance
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The mage can discern the mental and emotional states of a thinking being by reading his aura. Some mages perceive auras as a series of colors, while others describe them in terms of musical notes, odors, tastes or other purely non-physical senses.

For what the colors mean please see: Auras

Note that this spell does not allow a mage to read a target’s nature. That requires the Supernal Vision spell.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Know the Wolf by His Stance

In nature, most creatures give their emotional state away through a combination of body posture, facial expression and other physiological cues (such as musk or excessive saliva). Humans have learned to suppress many of these cues for the sake of “polite” social interaction, but a mage of the Adamantine Arrow can look past these civilized contrivances and read an individual’s true intent. Willworkers of the Silver Ladder are also known to employ this rote; the power to control a person through understanding of her emotions is not to be underestimated.

Theosophy Tradition Rote: Etheric Lens[1]

The mage sees without seeing, closing his eyes for a moment and concentrating on the individual in front of him. In his mind's eye he sees the aura of the subject, like the colors that appear on the back of the eyelid after staring too long at the sun.

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