Animal Minion

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MageSpells ● Animal Minion
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Life ●●●●
Instant None
Vulgar Patterning
Duration Concentration
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.188
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The mage exerts gross bodily control over base or median life. Effectively, the mage uses the affected creature like a marionette. Other Life Arcanum magics can move a beast to act within the limits of its instincts and understanding, but this spell enables the mage to push it beyond the parameters of its ingrained behavior (though not, without other alterations, beyond the limits of its physical capabilities).

Naturally, this spell works best on an unconscious target (which cannot normally resist). Make a reflexive and contested Resolve roll for creatures that resist consciously.

Silver Ladder Rote: Loyal Hound

At times, the Silver Ladder willworker needs an animal to do something it normally won’t.

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