Perfect Timing

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MageSpells ● Perfect Timing
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Covert Knowing
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.258
Arrow : Strike True
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This spell allows a mage to accurately assess all of the temporal components occurring in her immediate presence, giving her an opportunity to act at exactly the proper time to have the maximum effect. If she wants to throw a punch, she knows how and where to strike with the greatest possible (mundane) precision and force. Or if she wants to convince someone of something, she knows the most opportune instant in which to speak.

Each success grants the mage a single extra die in the next roll that has to — or is chosen to — be made. This does not include spellcasting rolls. If the next roll is for a spell (perhaps the mage needs to quickly cast a countermagic), the character loses the benefit.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Strike True

Mages of the Adamantine Arrow who master this rote find that they need strike only once in order to fell their enemies. By attuning his perceptions to the perfect instant in time in which to act, the willworker attacks with efficiency.

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