Jacob Maddox
From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Jacob Maddox
"You're late."
Short curly blond hair, and blue eyes. Presence ●● |
Abram had a boring childhood. He knew Father was in the mob. He didn't know what that meant. He did know he was to never talk about it. He didn't know why he wasn't to speak when the men in suits came.
The family moved, Father was gone, and Abram Jackson became Jacob Maddox. It was only later that words like "witness protection" and "reduced sentence" began to mean anything. Father came back some years later with little fanfare.
A boring childhood followed boxing club in middle school, chess club in high school. A few girls, a few parties. Good marks led to a good university scholarship. At 21 bartending paid the bills, and Jacob would play chess with anyone who’d buy a drink.
One night, like many before, a young woman challenged him to a game; Jacob won. Over the next three months, they would play many more games, eventually meeting outside the bar to play. However, casual observations mounted into patterns. She rarely drank the drinks she bought. They would only meet at night despite Jacobs offers to meet during the day. It was an innocuous thing, a small cut from broken glass. And then Jacob saw too much. And then he was embraced.
Like the other extreme events of his life; Jacob had yet to fully understand what had happened. The summer term was spent in the study of Obfuscation, it's ideas were fascinating to Jacob. The study was intense, by its end, Jacob was capable of making himself fade from perception.
The fall term was to start soon the first time Jacob felt his Beast recoil in abject fear. Three shadowed figures entered his Sire’s haven. Jacob waited. Noise. Two disheveled shadowy figures came out. Jacob ran, and kept running -- finally deciding to settle in Sacramento.
Arrival: But he only stayed long enough to do just that, moving into a small apartment and getting acknowledged into the domain. Then family needed him in the north. An absence followed, before once more Jacob returned to Sacremento.
Feeding Glimpses:
Avatar | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Blood Potency | Obfuscated + |
Character Name | Jacob Maddox + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Vampire + |
Clan | Mekhet + |
Clan Status | 0 + |
Covenant | Ordo Dracul + |
Covenant Status | 0 + |
Domain Status | 0 + |
Forumid | 0 + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Player | White + |
PlayerID | 2929 + |
Posted | 10 August 2023 + |
Presence | 2 + |
Sacramento End | 10 August 2023 + |
Sacramento Start | 6 July 2016 + |
Secondary Picture | warning.pngEmpty strings are not accepted. |
Tenure | 7.1 + |
Threadid | 34787 + |
Venue | Vampire + |