Ancient Mysteries

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Flashpoints in the Fog

In a society made up of liars and murderers afflicted by a slowly eroding grasp of their own existences to date, who can trust the concept of history? Understand, then, that there is a scale upon which all Kindred are precariously balanced. As personal power weighs more heavily, the ability to rely on that monster’s memory of the past is lightened. How do the Kindred navigate this Mystery of Ages?

The Mystery of Ages

  • Explore the flashpoints in history that have shaped Kindred society – for better or for worse. Discover the mysteries of elder Kindred and how they navigate the Fog of Ages and their own thickening Blood.
  • Players will find a selection of rules for playing characters from non-modern times as well as truly hoary ancients among the undead, with powers and Merits to match.
  • Storytellers are given useful advice for how elders navigate the Fog of Ages, and how to use elder characters, historical periods and the lassitude of age among the undead for the best effect in her games.

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