There is pervasive belief that God is a small god. A god of the gaps. What most don't realize is that the shadows of the unknown are deeper than they realize. I offer them a glimpse into that darkness of the dark fiery abyss.
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Kenneth was a college student from a well to do family. A large part of going to college had been to avoid the draft. He suffered a mental breakdown a couple semesters in though and was sent to therapy to recover. His therapist had little interest in getting him back to his mortal life and Embraced him instead. Tabitha Jairus did not have the usual desires when she Embraced her childe. She was a devout Lance and had tried to uphold all traditions when possible and so was reluctant to Sire offspring. Additionally she was fiercely protective of her position in her institution and paranoid of it being usurped. However, her Sire, Elija, wouldn't have any excuse to not spread the influence of their clan Through social pressure from him and other related Kindred she was forced to bend.
Even after siring she somewhat deliberately tried to set him up for failure. Nothing as blatant as refusing to teach him proper court etiquette or anything. However she kept him focused on mortal research while denying training in practical applications; drilled in an extremely submissive attitude when dealing with other vampires; didn’t teach him offensive powers; and made sure he couldn’t challenge her socially either.
While Kenneth didn’t know the exact reasons behind her treatment, he was savvy enough to know she wasn't giving him all the tools he needed to survive. He shored up some of his inexperience, despite her tight control over him. He also worked to make sure he can get away as soon as he can.
His grandsire helped a lot in that regard. Not only did they help get a researcher position in Sacramento, they made sure his sire didn’t refuse to let him go when he did. Unfortunately he also left before his blood was strong enough to join the bloodline. As his sire so eagerly explained when he left; until he became a Morotrophian, neither she nor his grandsire would offer him any further help