From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Browse/Bloodlines The Legendary
Blessing of the Captive Eye +,
Body Colony +,
Consent of the Magna Mater +,
Enliven the Flesh +,
Faking It +,
Gawk +,
Hive Induction +,
Honeycomb Heart +,
Makeover +,
Mock Mind +,
Royal Jelly +,
Small Witness +,
Sting +,
Transgression of Attis +
Requiem Chroniclers Guide +,
Vampire Chroniclers Guide +
Published After
The Invictus +
Published Before
Amara Havana +,
Blessing of the Captive Eye +,
Body Colony +,
Bron +,
Carnival +,
Children of Judas +,
Consent of the Magna Mater +,
Crochan +,
Despond +,
Enliven the Flesh +,
Faking It +,
Galloi +,
Gawk +,
Gulikan +,
Gustus +,
Hive Induction +,
Honeycomb Heart +,
Kuufukuji +,
Macellarius +,
Makeover +,