Will of Fire

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MageSpells ● Will of Fire (Redirected from RAW:Will of Fire)
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Mind ●●●
Instant Mana
Covert Perfecting
Duration Prolonged
Legacies the Ancient.jpg
Legacies the Ancient, p. 44
Ladder : The Crucible of Hope
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This is a Mage House Rule This rote can only be learned or taught by a Tamer of Fire

Fiery rhetoric can bolster human spirits. With the right words, a mage can give a group of friends and followers the will to succeed above and beyond their own capacity.

The mage casts this spell on one or more people.

Successes / Number of People Affected

  • 1 = 1
  • 2 = 2
  • 3 = 4
  • 4 = 8
  • 5 = 16

The actual casting takes the form of a pep-talk, which can be a few words or a long, involved speech. A long speech can be performed as an extended casting, although a weak mage may discover that talking for hours on end may prove counterproductive, as her audience loses attention.

The talk has to be directed toward psyching up the subjects of the spell for a specific purpose, which could be anything from winning a fight or a sports match to finding an elusive fact over a night of frenzied research in ancient tomes.

The spell enables the mage to grant one Willpower point to the subject(s) of the spell, which can only be used for actions related to the purpose of the spell and which, once used, can’t be regained. These points should be recorded separately from the character’s own Willpower points.

This spell can only affect any given individual once per scene.

Silver Ladder Rote: The Crucible of Hope

A leader is nothing without a following. With this rote, a mage can inspire his followers with the extra force of will to achieve beyond their usual means.

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