Safe Keeping

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Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.240
FC : Storage Space
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The mage can place an item into his Pocket Realm for safekeeping and retrieve it with another casting of this spell.

The item’s Size cannot exceed the pocket universe’s own Size. The Pocket Realm must be pre-existing or cast in combination with this spell.

The effect of this spell is lasting, but if the Pocket Realm spell expires, the item appears in space exactly where it was before being placed into the Pocket Realm. It and anyone (or anything) within the same space in which the reappearing item arrives must contend with Knockdown (see “Knockdown,” p. 168 of the World of Darkness Rulebook).

Free Council Rote: Storage Space

Over time, some Free Council mages find that their Correspondence Point spaces end up as something of a dumping ground for useful items or those too precious to leave anywhere in the universe. This rote enables the willworker to place inanimate objects (quite a large quantity of them, actually, should such prove necessary) in one of the safest possible locales. Some Adamantine Arrow mages use such a non-place as a secret weapons cache.

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