Mage ●
Spells ● Provoke Wrath (Redirected from
RAW:Provoke Wrath)
The willworker may provoke a violent reaction in a target,
overwhelming her ability to stay calm.
The spell reduces a target’s ability to stay calm while
simultaneously provoking feelings of rage, inspiring her
to attack. If she is unaware of the spell, the target focuses
on the most likely cause of frustration — which can be a
person or an object — and lashes out at it, attacking it for
the duration of the spell. If the target is aware of the magic,
the object of her wrath will likely be the mage himself.
Any Morality checks called for by the target’s actions are
resolved at the end of the spell’s duration.
Certain supernatural creatures are prone to berserk rages.
Werewolves and vampires targeted successfully by this spell
must make Death Rage or frenzy checks, with successes on
the spell as the level of provocation..
Seers of the Throne Rote: General's Whisper
The General is the Exarch of anger, frustration and
violence. His plans are found in the protest turned riot,
the sudden outpouring of hate and the loved one struck
down in a moment of madness. With this rote, the Ministry of Praetorian and their Myrmidon servants bestow the
General’s gift on the unsuspecting masses.