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MageSpells ● Prophecy (Redirected from RAW:Prophecy)
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Time ●●●●
Instant None
Covert Patterning
Duration Concentration
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.264
Guardians : Merlin’s Foresight
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The mage can gain prescriptive advice on how to alter the future, perhaps to make something come true or to avert an event he fears or knows is coming.

As with Divination, the mage can ask one question about a target or event per success. Instead of reading the future, however, he reads how things might be, provided some action or event comes to pass. Note that a target’s dots in the Destiny Merit (if any) levy penalties on the spellcasting roll — it is more difficult to find an alternate future when a person’s fate is ordained.

Example: Bahazid has learned that a certain boy is destined to become a great leader. She uses Prophecy to find out how she might avert that fate, for she does not want it to come to pass. She gains an image of somebody murdering the boy’s mother, and knows that if this comes to pass the boy shall become a tyrant. Because of the vagueness of prophetic ability at this level, the mage learns only broad and sweeping details. Bahazid might not, for example, discover that saving the boy’s mother will lead to his sister becoming a great leader.

The same target can be targeted with this spell only once every 24 hours.

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Merlin’s Foresight

Protecting the Mysteries is not always simply a matter of knowing the past or perceiving the present. Sometimes such work involves discerning that which has not yet come. In this fashion, the ignorant can be shepherded away from perils they lack the discernment to understand, and the occult world can be shielded from the gaze of those who might seek to do it harm in their blindness..

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