Invisible Fire

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MageSpells ● Invisible Fire (Redirected from RAW:Invisible Fire)
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Forces ●●●●
Instant Mana
Vulgar Fraying
Free Council Sourcebook.jpg
Free Council Sourcebook, p. 110
FC : Rad-Blast
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The mage strikes a target with a concentrated amount of radiation.

Each success inflicts one level of lethal damage due to radiation burns. Invisible Fire ignores armor not specifically shielded against radiation or magic. Anyone with the protection of Stay the Invisible Fires is immune.

This is a Mage House Rule At Forces ••••• One point of Mana can be spent to make the damage aggrivated.

Free Council Rote: Rad-Blast

The Libertines weren’t the first to think of using radiation as a weapon, just the first mages to do so. This techné is considered a weapon of last resort since it’s dirty and vulgar, and tends to raise difficult questions.

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